Monday, December 12, 2011

Follow These Tips For A Hassle Free Wedding Day

Many couples strive to have a wedding like the ones they see on TV or in bridal magazines. But this is so unrealistic that it actually sets you up for disappointment. It is a wiser approach to plan a wedding that puts the focus on the couple and not on extravagant extras. This article can help yous decide what is important for your wedding.

Find out if you can bundle services at your wedding venue. For example, find out if your venue can host both the wedding ceremony and reception as well as the catering. See if these costs save you more than doing things individually so you can save money altogether when making your plans.

Ask one of your shutterbug friends to do the pictures for your wedding. Professional photographers are expensive and, with the advent of digital cameras and editing software, often an amateur can do just as good of a job. Tell them to forgo the wedding gift and just give you a disk of digital images instead.

Get help! Whether you get help from family or friends or hire a wedding planner, don't try to plan the wedding all by yourself! Planning a wedding is a big job for two people, and will give you stress that you don't need. Delegate responsibilities - so that you can remain calm and have fun with it!

A good thing for the bride to keep in mind when it comes to weddings is to consider hiring a makeup artist to take care of any makeup needs for the big day. This is important because this way you can ensure that you look your best for you big day.

Consider hiring a DJ for your wedding reception rather than a live band. With a DJ, you can choose what songs will be played and you know exactly how they will sound. Live bands are a little more difficult because you have no control over how the songs will sound.

If your flower girl or ring bearer are very young, consider having an adult or older child walk them down the aisle. Young children are extremely unpredictable. They might walk down the aisle fine, or they might not walk at all. Having a trusted friend or family member to coax them along might help your ceremony to run smoothly.

As noted above, dream weddings exist only on television and in bridal magazines. Real people have real weddings that are sometimes low key but nevertheless beautiful events. The couple should be the center of the wedding, not the decorations and details. By adopting the wise strategies in this article, you can have a beautiful wedding without an extravagant budget.

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