With so much literature circulating in the world today, a lot of people overlook the most popular, best-selling books of all time: bibles. In modern times, so many of us look for fulfillment, direction, encouragement and motivation to live our lives as God would have us. Myself, included. Notwithstanding the importance of your daily devotion, or seeking out Christian books and Christian movies, we must return to our bibles for the most pure and original guidance.
When I was younger, I remember my mother's bible; it was worn with torn and highlighted pages. I can't remember a Sunday where she was without her bible while in church. I think back upon this memory and realize that she wore her bible out in search of God's truth and guidance. She taught me something extremely important by modeling this type of behavior. She taught me to look for the truth within my bible first, and then to broaden my understanding of this truth with supplemental Christian literature and other works (e.g., Christian books and Christian movies).
Now that I'm grown, I enjoy buying a lot of different types of Christian living gear, including clothing, audio bibles, music CDs, DVDs, home dcor and so much more. I especially enjoy purchasing daily devotionals for women that speak about all the women-focused, encouraging passages in the bible. I also purchase other items and accessories including leather bible covers and convenient bible carriers. And during Christmastime, I like buying gifts for all of my friends and loved ones.
Additionally, when it comes to Christian music and literature, I have many favorite authors and musicians. I have found online shopping easiest, as you can have your merchandise delivered straight to your home. It is so much easier to buy online because there are search-able industries and you can locate hard-to-find merchandise. And the icing on the cake: my online queries have also allowed me to find Christian communities in my area. I feel very blessed by this experience, and I have made some really good friends.
As you continue your search for God's truth, I encourage you to read your bibles and to supplement this truth with Christian living gear. By taking these simple actions, your daily life will be blessed beyond measure. May you follow God's strategic plan for your life without wavering.
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