Sunday, February 5, 2012

Love In The Air

Well, here we are in February and many people are celebrating St. Valentines. It is a good time to think about love and relationships to put a bit of warmth in our lives after a long winter. Today, I would like to look at what love is. The English language only has one word for love and it is used interchangeably for almost everything. We can say I love my husband and I love Chocolate. 

More than ever before, we're leaving our home towns and even our countries to seek out exciting and rewarding opportunities elsewhere. Fewer and fewer of us grow old in the place where we grew up. We move on to new jobs, new partners, new homes and new lives. We extend our social circle so that it becomes almost physically impossible to keep in touch with everyone we meet. Email helps us to maintain relationships, but there's still no real substitute for a good long chat on the phone - but the more we move, the more likely we are to change our numbers and lose our friends.

Consumer power is growing. That means that we're far more willing than we used to be to change our phone provider, our electricity supplier and our internet connection. Changing numbers and addresses on a regular basis often results in someone not being aware of your new number or your new email and bang! You've lost touch. Our lives are busy and it's easy to leave people behind. If you're the sort of person that religiously files new address cards so that you are up-to-date with your friends' movements, that's great. If you're not quite so organised, it can be easy to lose those new details and be stuck the next time you want to get in touch.

Please fall in love. Please experience the high of love, real passionate love. And please ask your intelligence few questions before deciding to spend life together. Are we suitable for each other? Are our habits similar? Will we give comfort to each other? Are our expectations real and will they get fulfilled? Are we fit to marry each other? Will our love last? Let intelligence play a role along with your love and then decide. You will never have to announce divorce. You will live happily together forever, because you have made a conscious decision after finding out everything.

Our relationship was based on character and friendship which later developed into love. You can say we met each other and we just clicked ;-) (pun intended So, the point is that erotic love is not a deep meaningful love but superficial and based on sexual attractiveness only

Bibles Along With Christian Books Will Enhance Your Faith Experience

With so much literature circulating in the world today, a lot of people overlook the most popular, best-selling books of all time: bibles. In modern times, so many of us look for fulfillment, direction, encouragement and motivation to live our lives as God would have us. Myself, included. Notwithstanding the importance of your daily devotion, or seeking out Christian books and Christian movies, we must return to our bibles for the most pure and original guidance.

When I was younger, I remember my mother's bible; it was worn with torn and highlighted pages. I can't remember a Sunday where she was without her bible while in church. I think back upon this memory and realize that she wore her bible out in search of God's truth and guidance. She taught me something extremely important by modeling this type of behavior. She taught me to look for the truth within my bible first, and then to broaden my understanding of this truth with supplemental Christian literature and other works (e.g., Christian books and Christian movies).

Now that I'm grown, I enjoy buying a lot of different types of Christian living gear, including clothing, audio bibles, music CDs, DVDs, home dcor and so much more. I especially enjoy purchasing daily devotionals for women that speak about all the women-focused, encouraging passages in the bible. I also purchase other items and accessories including leather bible covers and convenient bible carriers. And during Christmastime, I like buying gifts for all of my friends and loved ones.

Additionally, when it comes to Christian music and literature, I have many favorite authors and musicians. I have found online shopping easiest, as you can have your merchandise delivered straight to your home. It is so much easier to buy online because there are search-able industries and you can locate hard-to-find merchandise. And the icing on the cake: my online queries have also allowed me to find Christian communities in my area. I feel very blessed by this experience, and I have made some really good friends.

As you continue your search for God's truth, I encourage you to read your bibles and to supplement this truth with Christian living gear. By taking these simple actions, your daily life will be blessed beyond measure. May you follow God's strategic plan for your life without wavering.

Holy Bibles,christian movies,christian books,lifestyle,society,motivational,best-selling literary,Christianity,religion,relationship  

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Do Not Conform To The Game Of Temptation

Temptations are everywhere. It takes various shapes and forms. Sometimes these temptations disguise themselves in the hearts of people. And they make use of these people to cheat the hearts of other people as well.

In the game of temptation, whoever fails to shield their minds and hearts against the things temptation provide will most certainly lose. It would give you all of what your heart desires. It will get inside the inner parts of your soul and find the thing you desire the most and will give it to you in return of something. And the trade will something of same worth with your want. Attached to it would be the thing we call sin.

Do not Conform: Live Outside Of Temptation

In temptation, there is certainly sin. The human's deadly sins have risen up from temptations. Pride, avarice, lust, gluttony, wrath, sloth, envy, these are form within the foundations of temptations. Because of the weak status of the human hearts, all of us commit these sins and thus our very own souls have been impure.

Only one man, as told in the holy book, had been free of sins. And that is Christ Himself. Do not misjudge Him. He was as well human and was also tempted by the creator of temptations, the devil. The devil offered Him food, worldly goods or riches but Christ was not shaken by such temptations. For He told the devil that humans not only feast in food or riches provided by this world, they need the food provided by the words of God.

Do not Conform To Evil

Mankind conform to anything surroundings we're surviving. But also as a result of our own capability to adapt to anything we are often misdirected by the things that we all do. We are misled. It is now up to us to keep track of what we are doing. Know what is right and what is wrong. Don't be deceived by savvy way of temptation. Strengthen your heart and mind. Seek the help of God. Always read His holy word and always pray for through all these we all could be free from those temptations.